Looking to help and to get help in Sweden

  • Looking to help and to get help in Sweden

    Publié par christine4erik le 13 mai 2021 at 3 h 08 min


    I receive scholarship offers but the proposals do not suit my interests at all. I am a psychologist, I have a master’s degree in psychology, I am a psychotherapist and now I want to specialize and especially to be able to make a difference for atypical people, and more particularly Aspergers women. (I know autism is now a continuum with the DSM-V but I am the high functioning type) I would love to be near Copenhagen if it is possible. Whoever risks nothing has nothing so since the offers I am receiving do not interest me, I am taking action by making my own steps. Important note: I cannot volunteer because I am the one supporting myself financially (I know it bothers people when I speak about money because I am a woman and I’m supposed to live on fresh air only) and the scholarship must cover both my studies, my roof over my head and my food during my studies. I already have an empirical master’s degree in criticizing the methodology of scientific articles and have varied work experience. Thank you for reading. We never know.

    christine4erik a rĂ©pondu 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Membre · 0 RĂ©ponses
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